
Discerning Your Calling in Youth

For young people exploring a calling to ministry, the path forward requires patience, prayer and trusting in God’s timing. While passion and zeal may be present, one must wait for an inward conviction before venturing into ministry roles.

Rather than rushing to self-declare a calling, youth should focus on being faithful where they are currently planted. As one does whatever their hand finds to do with excellence, God will meet them there and reveal His plans if ministry is indeed their purpose.

Those with a genuine calling from God will have a deep inward witness that must be confirmed by mature believers. If others prematurely pronounce a calling, it can prove detrimental if tough times arise later. Only with an inner foundation can one withstand the difficulties that may come.

For those who patiently tend to the inward witness, they can boldly step out when the time is right. This begins with responding in willingness and availability to God’s direction. The exact ministry expression may be unclear at first but will unfold as one seeks God in solitude and prayer.

Above all, wisdom must be exercised to discern between God’s permissive will versus His perfect will. Some may proceed into ministry roles God consents to but which are not His best. But for those aligned to God’s perfect will, He grants grace, empowerment and anointing to thrive.

Rather than rushing into titles or roles, youth should wait on the Lord until they have certainty of His calling. With inner conviction and confirmation, God will faithfully open the doors He intends His chosen vessels to go through.