About Us

BOLD CHURCH is a family of believers that is Word-based & Spirit-led; a congregation of people from all nations to worship God and fellowship together.

Mission: Edifying the Body of Christ by perfecting saints in the unity of faith and knowledge of Christ unto a perfect man. Ephesians 4:12-13

Vision: Making disciples of all nations. Matthew 28:18-20

Our Statement of Belief

We believe:

1. In the bible as Gods inspired WORD. 2 Timothy 3:16

2. That all men have sinned and redeemed by the new birth. John 3:5 and Romans 3:23

3. In water baptism as an outward sign of inward work of grace. Romans 6:4

4. Baptism of the Holy Ghost. Acts 2:4

5. In the second coming of Jesus, to judge all men and set up His Kingdom. Titus 2:13

6. In the rapture of the church. 1 Thessalonians 4:15

Our Core Values


All scripture is God-breathed and profitable for teaching, rebuking, correction, for instruction in righteousness.


As promised by Christ the Spirit of Truth is given to guide us into all truth.


Life on life discipleship thereby investing in others to come to maturity in the stature of Christ.


Disciples following Christ are equipped with the word and have every component of their lives filled with the Holy Spirit.


Wholesome fellowship upholding family values.


Readiness to serve the purposes of Christ being empowered by the Word and the Spirit.


Discipleship is not a one-time event or a short time experience but rather a lifelong journey.

What We Do


We foster the discipline of following Christ & train others to follow Him in obedience to all the things He commanded

Matthew 28:20


We are God’s Family devoted to the practice of the early disciples in Doctrine, Fellowship, Breaking bread & Prayer…

Acts 2:42


We are given to the commission of our Lord to preach the Gospel everywhere and to everyone

Mark 16:20


We know our Father is seeking worshippers and our goal is to always worship Him in Truth and Spirit

John 4:23