Word-based & Spirit-Led

BOLD is a word-based and spirit-led church. We believe the church belongs to Jesus Christ.

He says I will build my church(Matthew 16:18). Jesus our Lord and God left the word and the HOLY GHOST to his church. The instructions of Jesus were clear to know and obey his word and be led by the Holy Ghost. (John 16:13).

Jesus called each disciple to himself to learn from him. He went time with them everywhere and taught them by word and deed. On his resurrection day, Jesus opened their eyes to be able to understand the scriptures. (Luke 24:31).

50 days later He poured His spirit on them (Acts 2) and he has never left them. He is still with us to date. He said I will be with you always (Matthew 28:20). We are submitted to His lordship and assured of His presence and His voice every day in our walk as His spirit and word lead us.

A fellowship, companionship and intimacy with Him have resulted in a peaceful and quiet life for our members. There is significant spiritual growth as testified by our members.

The Lord’s hand is notable in their singlehood, marriages, family life, finances, academia, and all other endeavours. This is indeed good and marvellous to our eyes.

Be blessed!